Choosing coffee
Choosing coffee
Choosing coffee
Choosing coffee
We believe enjoying a cup of coffee is a deeply personal pleasurable moment. Something we drink every day, but also something that reflects our mood or personality. That's why L'OR creates a range of coffee experiences for anyone, at any moment. Here's how you can create the infinite pleasure of coffee flavours.
Drink a ristretto, espresso or lungo.
Coffee comes from coffee beans that you can ground in your automatic coffee machine.
There are so many different types of coffee. Both with and without milk.
Can't choose just the right L'OR coffee? L'OR coffee capsules are compatible with Nespresso coffee machines, or can be prepared in a L'OR coffee machine. Simply select the coffee that's right for you, and discover a universe of coffee tastes.
The filter coffee maker allows you to prepare a large amount of coffee quickly. The water passes slowly through the coffee in the filter, as the molecules infuse with the water. This produces coffee with an aromatic and slightly bitter taste.
The Italian cafetiere/percolator/Moka pot forces boiling water and steam through compressed coffee that is loaded into a funnel shaped filter basket between the water reservoir on the bottom and the coffee reservoir on the top of the pot. The coffee that is produced is full-bodied and aromatic.
The French Press is quick and easy to use. Ground coffee is put into the cafetière, then simmering water is gently poured over it. The coffee should brew for between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, depending on the strength you prefer. Once it has brewed, the plunger is pressed down so the grounds are separated from the coffee. This method satisfies the most discerning coffee connoisseurs.
Which to choose? This depends on how fine the coffee beans. have been ground. The finer the grind, the shorter the brewing time can be, to ensure flavours and aromas are released from the coffee.
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