Coffee Capsules
L'OR Barista Coffee Machines
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One of the best kept secrets


Chocospoons: spoons filled with chocolate and your favourite toppings. Richly filled chocolate spoons are one of the best kept secrets to the ultimate coffee-experience. Do you love coffee with chocolate? Then this recipe for chocospoons is highly recommended. Who doesn't love coffee with a hint of chocolate? Serve the chocospoons with a cup of L’OR ESPRESSO Lungo Profondo 8 and stir gently. You could also use the spoons in warm milk, to create a light variant of hot chocolate. Really easy and lovely recipe to create together with your kids. Try it now!

Prep time:15 minutes

Waiting time: 1,5 hours


180 - 200 grams of chocolate (milk or dark)

20 milliliters of L'OR ESPRESSO Lungo Profondo 8 coffee (1 capsule)

As garnish: rose petals, freeze-dried and crumbled raspberry, edible glitter and coloured sugar


  1. 1

    Melt the chocolate au bain-marie. You can choose to either mix together different kinds of chocolate or melt them separately.

  2. 2

    Prepare a baking tray with baking paper to put the spoons on.

  3. 3

    Once the chocolate has melted completely, dip in the spoons. Let them cool down on the baking paper.

  4. 4

    Add the garnish before the chocolate has solidified. Let the spoons cool down further until the chocolate is completely solid.

  5. 5

    Serve the spoons with a cup of L'OR ESPRESSO Lungo Profondo 8 coffee and gently stir the spoons through the coffee.

  6. 6

    Enjoy your personalised cup of coffee while all flavours of the chocospoons complement your coffee.Every cup of L’OR coffee provides a pure coffee pleasure. Let yourself be captivated by the intense aroma. Discover a balance of its smooth and rich flavours.

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